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Tamil Nadu CM Jayalalitha Dead – Health Conditions Latest News & Hospital Status (RIP)

Six-time Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa, a 1960s screen idol who became one of India’s most powerful politicians, died in a Chennai hospital on Monday, according to local television reports.

She was 68.

The party flag was seen flying at half-mast at the party headquarters in Chennai.

At least three Tamil television channels, including Jaya TV, reported that the chief minister had passed away at the Apollo hospital.

However, minutes later Apollo hospital tweeted saying a team of doctors were continuing to monitor and treat the CM with “all life saving measure”.

Jayalalithaa’s health remained critical throughout Monday as doctors struggled to help her recover from a cardiac arrest on Sunday evening. The chief minister had been put on life support systems.

Earlier on Sunday, her party, the ruling AIADMK, announced that she was given a clean bill of health by a team of medical specialists. However, shortly after, she was moved to the critical care unit (CCU) of Apollo Hospital following the cardiac arrest.

An angioplasty had been performed on Monday morning to repair her blood vessels.

Thousands of followers, who began gathering around the hospital since Sunday evening, wept at the passing away of their “Amma” or mother, as she was endearingly called.

The chief minister was admitted to Apollo hospital late on September 22 with complaints of fever and dehydration.

Source: Hindustantimes.com


  1. May his soul???

    1. NEWSINDIA BLOGSPOT.in please correct the grammar in the last line


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